Self Advocacy Heals

WhiteNoise in my Ears

When advocacy comes to mind, we often think of petitioning, rallying, and fundraising for special causes such as civil rights or the environment. We may also think about rallying for other people and their challenges or goals. However, it is rare that the importance of advocating for our own personal needs, especially if you or a loved one possesses a disability. The pathway to self advocacy can be broken down into a three-step thought process as you will see below.

Step 1) Recognizing and accepting the importance of seeking the accommodations and resources you deserve

This tends to be a personal journey for many of us because we are afraid to ask the world for help. We value how society perceives us; asking for help makes us seem weak and inadequate.  Even more damaging, we tend to deny the existence of our challenges to ourselves. In result, many of us choose to stubbornly suffer…

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